Substantial experience and demonstrated ability in the following technologies:
o JavaScript, its quirks and workarounds (4+ years of working experience)
o Advanced JavaScript libraries, frameworks and tools such as AngularJS, React, Backbone,
Node, Ember Data, Meteor, jQuery, Mocha, Sinon, Grunt, Gulp, Webpack, Browserify.o Building responsive Single Page Applications using REFTful web services and processing
JSON data
o Asynchronous request handling, partial page updates and AJAXo Web markup including HTML5 and CSS3
o Front end development tools
o Code versioning tools like Git and SVN
Working knowledge of the following area is preferred:o JSON and REST patterns
o Integrating enterprise software systems via JSON and REST serviceso Microservices
o HTTP request/response protocol
o XML and XSLT
o Basic understanding of computer network and its componentso Cloud-based technologies